Trusted Paver Sealing Company in
Oakland Park, FL

Trusted Paver Sealing Company in
Oakland Park, FL

Trusted Paver Sealing Company in Oakland Park, FL

Paver sealing is a crucial process that helps protect and enhance the appearance of your pavers. It involves applying a protective sealant to the surface of the pavers, which helps prevent damage from UV rays, stains, weeds, and other external elements. Investing in professional paver sealing services offers numerous benefits and ensures long-lasting results for your outdoor space.

Benefits of Paver Sealing:

  1. Enhanced appearance: Paver sealing brings out the natural colors and textures of the pavers, giving them a vibrant and polished look.
  2. Increased durability: The sealant acts as a protective barrier, preventing cracks, erosion, and fading caused by sun exposure and weather conditions.
  3. Easier maintenance: Sealed pavers are easier to clean and maintain, as the sealant prevents dirt, oil, and other substances from penetrating the surface.
  4. Weed prevention: The sealant creates a barrier that inhibits weed growth between the pavers, keeping your outdoor space weed-free.
  5. Longevity: Properly sealed pavers can last for years without needing repair or replacement, saving you time and money in the long run.

Why Hire a Paver Sealing Company?

While some homeowners may consider sealing their pavers themselves, hiring a professional paver sealing company offers several advantages.

  • Experience and Expertise: A trusted paver sealing company has the experience and expertise to ensure proper application of the sealant, resulting in optimal results and long-term protection for your pavers.
  • Quality Products and Equipment: Professional paver sealing companies use high-quality sealants and have access to specialized equipment, ensuring a superior finish and maximum durability.
  • Time and Cost Savings: By hiring experts, you save time and effort that would otherwise be spent researching, purchasing, and applying the sealant yourself. Professionals can identify any underlying issues and address them before sealing, preventing potential problems in the future.
  • Enhanced Curb Appeal: Professional paver sealing enhances the curb appeal of your property, making it more visually appealing and potentially increasing its value.

Choosing a Trusted Paver Sealing Company:

When selecting a paver sealing company, it is essential to consider a few factors:

  • Research and Reviews: Look for companies with positive reviews and a proven track record of delivering high-quality paver sealing services.
  • Licenses and Certifications: Ensure the company is licensed and certified to perform paver sealing services, indicating their professionalism and adherence to industry standards.
  • Insurance Coverage: Verify that the company has proper liability insurance to provide protection in case of any accidents or damages during the sealing process.
  • Estimates and Contracts: Obtain detailed estimates and contracts outlining the scope of work, timeline, and cost to avoid misunderstandings or surprises.

By choosing a trusted paver sealing company, you can have peace of mind, knowing that your pavers will receive the best care and protection.

Paver Sealing Process:

The paver sealing process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Cleaning and Prepping the Pavers: The paver surface is thoroughly cleaned to remove dirt, debris, stains, and weeds. Any necessary repairs or adjustments are made at this stage.
  2. Applying the Sealant: A high-quality sealant is evenly applied to the pavers using specialized equipment. The sealant fills in the porous surface of the pavers, providing a protective layer.
  3. Drying and Curing Time: The sealant needs time to dry and cure completely. This duration varies depending on the type of sealant used and prevailing weather conditions. It is crucial to avoid foot traffic and exposure to water during this period.

Common Questions about Paver Sealing:

  • How Long Does Paver Sealing Last? The durability of the sealant depends on various factors, including the quality of the sealant, weather conditions, and maintenance. On average, paver sealing can last anywhere from 2 to 5 years.
  • Can I Seal the Pavers Myself? While it is possible to seal pavers yourself, hiring a professional paver sealing company ensures proper application and long-lasting results. Professionals have the necessary tools, expertise, and access to high-quality sealants.
  • What Are the Signs of a Good Paver Sealing Company? A reputable paver sealing company should have positive customer reviews, relevant licenses and certifications, and adequate insurance coverage. They should also provide detailed estimates and contracts and demonstrate professionalism and expertise.
  • What Should I Expect During the Paver Sealing Process? During the paver sealing process, you can expect expert cleaning and preparation of the pavers, followed by applying the sealant using professional equipment. The process concludes with a drying and curing period to ensure a durable finish.

By understanding the benefits of paver sealing, the importance of hiring professionals, and the paver sealing process, you can make informed decisions to protect and enhance the beauty of your pavers.

Key takeaway

  • Paver sealing extends the lifespan of pavers: Sealing pavers helps protect them from the damaging effects of weather, UV rays, and everyday wear and tear. This can significantly extend the lifespan of the pavers, saving homeowners money in the long run.
  • Paver sealing enhances the appearance of pavers: Sealed pavers have a fresh and vibrant look, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of outdoor spaces. Additionally, sealants can enhance the natural colors of the pavers and provide a glossy finish.
  • Hiring a professional paver sealing company ensures quality and expertise: Researching and reading reviews about different paver sealing companies can help homeowners find reliable and trustworthy professionals. Checking licenses, certifications, and insurance coverage ensures the company meets industry standards. Getting detailed estimates and contracts helps establish clear expectations for the project.

About Paver Sealing

Paver sealing is an essential process in maintaining and protecting your pavers. It involves applying a sealant to the surface of the pavers, which helps to enhance their durability and longevity. Paver sealing acts as a protective barrier, preventing stains, UV rays damage, and weeds and moss growth.

There are several benefits to paver sealing. It helps prevent the pavers’ water absorption, safeguarding them from potential damage or staining. Sealed pavers are also easier to clean, as the sealant creates a barrier that prevents dirt and stains from penetrating the surface. Moreover, paver sealing enhances the color and appearance of the pavers, giving them a vibrant and fresh look.

When thinking about paver sealing, it is crucial to select a reputable company that specializes in this service. Look for a company that possesses extensive experience in paver sealing and uses high-quality sealants specifically designed for pavers.

Additionally, it is recommended to inquire about the warranty provided for the sealing service to ensure long-term protection.

Paver sealing is a crucial step in maintaining the beauty and durability of your pavers. It provides protection against stains, damage, and the growth of unwanted weeds and moss. By selecting a trusted and experienced paver sealing company, you can ensure that your pavers receive the best protection and maintain their appearance for years to come.

Benefits of Paver Sealing

The benefits of paver sealing are numerous and can greatly enhance the longevity and appearance of your outdoor spaces.

  • Protection: Paver sealing provides a protective barrier that shields the pavers from damage caused by UV rays, rain, and other environmental elements. This helps to prevent fading, cracking, and the growth of unwanted weeds and moss.
  • Enhanced Durability: Sealing the pavers adds an extra layer of strength, making them more resistant to wear and tear. This is particularly beneficial in high-traffic areas such as driveways and walkways.
  • Easier Maintenance: Sealed pavers are much easier to clean and maintain. The sealant helps to repel dirt, stains, and oil spills, allowing for effortless cleaning with just soap and water.
  • Improved Visual Appeal: Paver sealing enhances the natural color and texture of the pavers, making them look vibrant and beautiful. It also gives them a subtle sheen that adds to their overall aesthetics.
  • Long-lasting Results: A properly sealed paver surface can maintain its appearance for several years, reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements. This saves both time and money in the long run.
  • Increased Property Value: The improved appearance and durability of sealed pavers can significantly enhance the curb appeal and overall value of your property. This is particularly important if you plan on selling your home in the future.

By considering the benefits of paver sealing, you can make an informed decision to protect and enhance the beauty of your outdoor spaces.

Why Hire a Paver Sealing Company?

Looking to get your pavers sealed? Wondering if it’s worth hiring a professional company? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this section, we’ll uncover the top reasons why hiring a paver sealing company is a smart move. From in-depth research and reviews to licenses and certifications, insurance coverage, and estimates and contracts, we’ll break down the essential factors that make enlisting the expertise of a trusted paver sealing company in Oakland Park, FL. So, let’s dive in and discover why it’s best to leave this task to the pros!

Research and Reviews

  1. Researching and reading reviews is essential when searching for a paver sealing company to ensure you hire a reliable and reputable company. This step allows you to gauge the quality of work they provide and identify satisfied customers through positive reviews.
  2. By checking reviews, you gain valuable insights into previous customers’ experiences with the company. This information helps you determine if the company is professional, punctual, and easy to work with.
  3. Through research and reviews, you can assess the reputation of a paver sealing company. A company with a good reputation is more likely to provide reliable services and meet your expectations.
  4. Checking reviews allows you to determine the trustworthiness and reliability of a company. Positive experiences shared by previous customers indicate that the company is dependable and delivers on their promises.
  5. Reading reviews enables you to compare different paver sealing companies. By considering multiple options and their respective reviews, you can choose the company that best suits your needs and expectations.

Pro-tip: When looking for reviews, rely on trusted sources such as reputable websites or recommendations from friends and family. These sources provide more reliable information, helping you make an informed decision.

Licenses and Certifications

Licenses and Certifications play a crucial role in the hiring process for a paver sealing company. Considering a company’s possession of the necessary licenses and certifications is vital for ensuring legal compliance and maintaining quality standards.

To assist you in making an informed decision, here is a detailed table that outlines the licenses and certifications that a reputable paver sealing company should have:

License or CertificationDescription
Contractor LicenseObtaining a valid contractor license demonstrates that the company has met all the requirements and regulations set by the local licensing authority. It provides assurance that the company is qualified to offer paver sealing services.
Sealer Manufacturer CertificationThis certification confirms that the company has received the necessary training and is authorized by a specific sealer manufacturer to appropriately apply their products. It ensures that the company possesses the knowledge and expertise to effectively utilize recommended sealants.
Insurance CoverageIt is essential for a paver sealing company to have liability insurance. This insurance safeguards both the company and its clients in the event of any accidents or damages that may occur during the sealing process. This coverage ensures that you, as a client, are not held financially accountable for any unexpected incidents.

Possessing the appropriate licenses and certifications guarantees the legal and ethical operation of a paver sealing company and provides you with peace of mind, knowing that they comply with industry standards and possess the necessary expertise to deliver satisfactory results.

When selecting a paver sealing company, prioritize those with the necessary licenses and certifications. This will ensure a professional, reliable, and fulfilling experience for your paver sealing project.

A paver sealing company with insurance coverage is like a superhero with a cape, except they save your pavers instead of fighting crime.

Insurance Coverage

When hiring a paver sealing company, it is crucial to prioritize their insurance coverage. Insurance coverage serves as a safeguard for both the company and the homeowner in the event of any accidents or damages that may occur during the sealing process.

Liability insurance: An esteemed paver sealing company must possess liability insurance coverage. This particular type of insurance protects the homeowner in the event of any damages or injuries that may transpire during the sealing process. It covers expenses such as medical bills or property repairs.
Worker’s compensation insurance: It is equally vital for the company to have worker’s compensation insurance. This insurance guarantees the well-being of the company’s employees in the event of any injuries or accidents that may happen during the paver sealing project.
Property damage insurance: In addition to liability insurance, it is advantageous for the company to possess property damage insurance. This insurance safeguards the homeowner if any damage is inflicted upon their property during sealing.
Verification of insurance: Prior to hiring a paver sealing company, it is essential to verify their insurance coverage. Request proof of insurance and ensure that it remains valid and up-to-date. You may also contact the insurance provider directly to confirm the coverage.

Fact: Accidents happen. Insurance coverage ensures that the homeowner and the paver sealing company are financially protected in the face of unforeseen incidents.

Estimates and Contracts

When it comes to estimates and contracts for paver sealing, here are a few important considerations:

  • Transparent estimates: A reliable paver sealing company will provide clear and detailed estimates for their services. These estimates should outline the scope of work, materials used, and the total cost involved. Request estimates from multiple companies to compare prices and services offered.
  • Written contracts: It is essential to have written estimates and contracts before starting any paver sealing project. These documents should include all the agreed-upon terms and conditions, including the duration, payment schedule, and any warranties offered. Review the estimates and contracts thoroughly and ask for clarification on any unclear aspects.
  • Legal compliance: Ensure the paver sealing company has all the necessary licenses and certifications to operate in your area. This ensures that they meet the required standards and have the appropriate knowledge and skills for the job. Request proof of these licenses and certifications before making a decision.
  • Insurance coverage: Verify that the company has insurance coverage, including liability insurance and workers’ compensation. This protects you from any potential accidents or damages during the project. Request a copy of their insurance policy and contact the insurance provider to confirm its validity.
  • Payment terms: Discuss and agree upon the payment terms outlined in the estimates and contracts. It is common for paver sealing services to require a deposit upfront, followed by subsequent payments upon completion of specific milestones. Avoid paying the full amount upfront before any work has been done.
  • Change orders: In case any changes or additional work is required during the project, ensure there is a process to address these changes. This may involve additional costs or adjustments to the timeline. Establish clear communication channels with the company to address any change orders that may arise.

By considering these factors related to estimates and contracts, you can ensure a smooth and transparent paver sealing process with a trusted company.

Seal those pavers like a boss and keep them looking fresh, let’s delve into the paver sealing process!

Paver Sealing Process

Paver Sealing Process

Discover the ins and outs of the paver sealing process in Oakland Park, FL. From cleaning and prepping the pavers to applying the sealant, and understanding the drying and curing time, this section dives into the step-by-step procedure involved. Uncover the secrets to achieving a long-lasting, beautiful finish for your pavers. Say goodbye to cracks and fading, and say hello to a truly revitalized outdoor space.

Cleaning and Prepping the Pavers

Cleaning and prepping the pavers is an essential step in the paver sealing process. To ensure effective cleaning and preparation, follow these steps:

  • Remove any debris: Start by sweeping the pavers to eliminate loose dirt, leaves, and other debris.
  • Pre-treat stains: If stubborn stains are present on the pavers, apply a stain remover and allow it to sit for the recommended time.
  • Power wash the pavers: Utilize a power washer with a high-pressure setting to thoroughly clean the pavers. Begin from one end and progress across the entire surface, ensuring complete coverage.
  • Apply a cleaning solution: Prepare a paver cleaning solution following the product instructions. Apply the solution to the pavers and scrub with a brush to eliminate any remaining dirt or stains.
  • Rinse the pavers: Use the power washer to rinse off the cleaning solution and any remaining debris. Ensure that all traces of the cleaning solution are removed.
  • Allow the pavers to dry: Give the pavers sufficient time to completely dry before proceeding with the sealing process. The drying time typically ranges from 24 to 48 hours, depending on weather conditions.
  • Inspect the pavers: Prior to applying the sealant, carefully examine the pavers for any areas that may require additional cleaning or repairs.

Following these steps guarantees thorough cleaning and preparation of your pavers for the sealing process. This will effectively enhance the longevity and appearance of your pavers, safeguarding them against stains, weather damage, and other common issues. Always adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions when using cleaning products and equipment.

Applying the Sealant

Applying the sealant is a crucial step in the paver sealing process. Here are the steps involved:

1. Clean the surface: Before applying the sealant, it is important to thoroughly clean the pavers. Remove any dirt, debris, or stains using a pressure washer or a suitable cleaning solution.

2. Allow the pavers to dry: After cleaning, give the pavers sufficient time to dry completely. Depending on the weather conditions, this usually takes around 24 to 48 hours.

3. Choose the right sealant: Select a high-quality sealant specifically designed for pavers. Consider factors like the type of pavers, climate, and desired finish.

4. Prepare the sealant: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to properly mix the sealant. Some sealants may need to be shaken or stirred before application.

5. Apply the sealant: Use a brush, roller, or sprayer to evenly apply the sealant onto the pavers. Start from one corner and work across the entire surface, ensuring complete coverage.

6. Work in small sections: Work in small sections at a time to prevent the sealant from drying too quickly. This allows you to apply the sealant evenly and avoid streaks or patches.

7. Allow the sealant to cure: After applying it, let it cure for the recommended time specified by the manufacturer. This typically ranges from 24 to 48 hours, depending on the type of sealant.

8. Check for any missed spots: Once the sealant has cured, inspect the pavers for any missed spots or areas requiring additional sealant. Apply a second coat if necessary.

Drying and Curing Time

Drying and curing time is a crucial aspect to consider when it comes to paver sealing. Once the pavers have been coated with the sealant, it is necessary to allow sufficient time for it to dry and cure before it can effectively safeguard and enhance the surface.

The duration for the sealant to dry may differ based on various factors such as temperaturehumidity, and the type of sealant utilized. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a complete day for the sealant to fully dry. During this period, it is vital to ensure that no foot traffic or water exposure occurs on the pavers to ensure the effectiveness of the sealing process.

Once the sealant has completely dried, the curing process commences. Curing facilitates the complete bonding of the sealant with the pavers, providing utmost protection. The duration for curing can range from a few days to a week depending on the sealant type and weather conditions. It is crucial to adhere to the instructions provided by the paver sealing company to ensure proper curing and long-lasting outcomes.

For the best results in your paver sealing project, it is advisable to seek guidance from a reliable paver sealing company. They possess the necessary expertise and knowledge to determine the ideal drying and curing time for the specific sealant utilized and the conditions in your area.

Understanding and considering the drying and curing time is vital for effective paver sealing. Allowing sufficient time for the sealant to dry and cure is essential to achieve optimal protection and enhancement for your pavers. It is important to consult with a professional paver sealing company to ensure the process is carried out correctly and efficiently.

Remember to consult with a reputable paver sealing company and adhere to their recommendations for the drying and curing time to obtain the best possible results for your pavers.

Common Questions about Paver Sealing

When it comes to paver sealing, people often have common questions. Here are some answers to help you understand the process:

  • Why should I seal my pavers?

Sealing your pavers helps to protect them from stains, oil spills, and color fading. It also enhances their appearance and makes them easier to clean.

  • How often should I seal my pavers?

The frequency of sealing depends on various factors, such as the type of pavers, the climate, and the amount of foot traffic they receive. As a general recommendation, most pavers should be sealed every 2-3 years.

  • Can I seal my pavers myself?

While it is possible to seal your pavers yourself, hiring a professional paver sealing company ensures the job is done correctly and efficiently. They have the expertise and equipment to provide long-lasting results.

  • What is the process of paver sealing?

The process typically involves cleaning the pavers thoroughly removing any dirt, grime, or weeds. Then, a high-quality sealer is applied evenly across the surface of the pavers using a sprayer or roller. The sealer needs time to cure before being walked on or exposed to water.

  • How long does the sealing process take?

The time required for paver sealing depends on the area’s size and the pavers’ condition. It can take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days.

A true story that illustrates the importance of paver sealing involves a family who had recently installed beautiful pavers in their backyard patio. They decided to skip sealing, thinking it was an unnecessary expense. A few months later, they noticed that the pavers had started to develop stains from food spills and oil leaks from their grill. They also noticed that the vibrant colors of the pavers had faded significantly. Realizing their mistake, they hired a professional paver sealing company to restore their pavers. After the sealing process, their pavers looked as good as new and were protected from future damage.

How Long Does Paver Sealing Last?

Paver sealing is a process that helps to protect and enhance the lifespan of your pavers. So, how long does paver sealing last? The answer depends on several factors.

1. The type of sealant used: The durability of different sealants can vary. Acrylic sealants typically have a  1-3 years lifespan, while solvent-based sealants can last up to 5 years or more.

2. Climate and weather conditions: The longevity of paver sealing can be influenced by the climate in your area. Extreme weather conditions like intense heat or freezing temperatures can accelerate the degradation of the sealant.

3. Foot traffic: The amount of foot traffic your pavers experience will affect how long the sealant lasts. High-traffic areas may require more frequent resealing compared to areas with less activity.

4. Maintenance: Proper maintenance, including regular cleaning and removing stains or debris, can significantly extend the life of the sealant. Neglecting maintenance can result in premature deterioration of the sealant.

To ensure the durability of paver sealing, it is advisable to have your pavers inspected and resealed every 2-3 years. However, this timeframe may vary depending on the aforementioned factors.

Paver sealing can last anywhere from 1-5 years, depending on the type of sealant, climate, foot traffic, and maintenance. Regular resealing is crucial to protect your pavers and maintain their appearance.

For optimal results and a long-lasting seal, hiring a professional paver sealing company that specializes in this type of work is recommended. They possess the knowledge and expertise to select the appropriate sealant and apply it correctly, providing peace of mind while saving you time and effort in the long run.

Can I Seal the Pavers Myself?

Sealing pavers can be a DIY project, but there are several factors to consider before deciding if you can do it yourself.

Assess the condition of your pavers. If they are in good shape with no signs of damage or major issues, you can seal them yourself. If your pavers have cracks, heaving, or other significant problems, it might be best to hire a professional paver sealing company.

Next, consider your level of experience and expertise. Sealing pavers requires proper preparation, application techniques, and the use of specific tools and equipment. If you have previous experience with similar projects and feel confident in your abilities, you may be able to seal your pavers yourself. Otherwise, it is recommended to hire a professional to ensure a proper seal.

Take into account the size of the area you need to seal. If you have a small patio or walkway, it might be feasible to seal the pavers yourself. If you have a large driveway or a complex design, it could be time-consuming and challenging to do it on your own.

Consider the time and effort required. Sealing pavers can be labor-intensive, especially if you have a large area to cover. If you have the time and energy to dedicate to the project, DIY sealing might be an option. If you prefer to save time and effort, hiring a professional paver sealing company will ensure a professional finish.

While it is possible to seal pavers yourself, it is essential to consider the condition of your pavers, your level of experience, the size of the area, and the time and effort required. Hiring a professional paver sealing company can provide peace of mind and ensure a high-quality seal.

Fact: Sealing pavers yourself can save money, but it may not guarantee the same level of expertise and durability as professional paver sealing.

What Should I Expect During the Paver Sealing Process?

The paver sealing process involves cleaning the pavers, applying the sealant, and allowing it to dry and cure. This process helps to protect the pavers from damage and extend their lifespan.

The paver sealing process is an important step in maintaining the appearance and durability of your pavers. By following these steps, you can expect to have protected pavers that look great for years to come.

Some Facts About Trusted Paver Sealing Company in Oakland Park FL:

  • Paver Seal Doctor is a professional and reputable paver installer in Oakland Park, FL. 
  • They offer a wide range of services, including paver installation, paver driveways, paver repair, walkways, pool deck construction, patio construction, pressure washing, paver sealing, and paver walkway edging.
  • Hiring a professional paving company can save time and money in the long run as they have the necessary tools and experience to complete the project correctly the first time. 
  • Paver Seal Doctor provides dependable paving stone installation using high-quality materials, products, equipment, and precision. 
  • Customers have given Paver Seal Doctor, a licensed and insured paver sealing company in Oakland Park, FL, a rating of 5.0 out of 5.0. 
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I find a trusted paver sealing company in Oakland Park, FL?

One trusted paver sealing company in Oakland Park, FL is Paver Seal Doctor. They are a licensed and insured company that specializes in paver installation, sealing, and repair. They have received positive reviews from customers for their quality workmanship and customer satisfaction.

2. What are the benefits of sealing driveway pavers?

Sealing driveway pavers has several benefits. It enhances the beauty of the pavers and improves their durability. Sealing also protects the pavers from damage caused by weather, oil spills, and other substances. It can prevent the growth of weeds and moss between the pavers and makes them easier to clean and maintain.

3. Are there any drawbacks to sealing paver driveways?

Yes, there are some drawbacks to consider when sealing paver driveways. Sealed surfaces can become slippery when wet, which may be a safety concern. Sealing can also darken the color of the pavers, which may not be desirable for homeowners who prefer the original color. Additionally, sealing can be time-consuming and expensive, requiring regular resealing to maintain effectiveness.

4. How can a professional paving company save time and money?

Hiring a professional paving company, like Paver Seal Doctor, can save time and money in the long run. These professionals have the tools and experience to complete the project correctly the first time. They also use high-quality materials and products, ensuring long-lasting results and avoiding the need for frequent repairs or replacements.

5. What services does Paver Seal Doctor offer?

Paver Seal Doctor offers a wide range of services, including paver installation, paver driveways, paver repair, walkways, pool deck construction, patio construction, pressure washing, paver sealing, and paver walkway edging. They are a professional and reputable paver installer in Oakland Park, FL.

6. What can I expect from Paver Seal Doctor regarding customer satisfaction?

Customers have given Paver Seal Doctor a rating of 5.0 out of 5.0. They have praised the company for their promptness, professionalism, and great results. The company guarantees quality workmanship and strives for customer satisfaction. Paver Seal Doctor has been described as outstanding, professional, and top-notch.

Oakland Park, FL to Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA. Driving Directions

via N Andrews Ave
Best route now due to traffic conditions

  • Oakland Park Florida, USA
  • Head west on NE 36th St toward NE 11th Ave
  • Turn left onto NE 10th Ave
  • Turn right onto NE 31st St/E Oakland Park Blvd
  • Turn left onto N Andrews Ave
  • Turn left onto E Sunrise Blvd
  • Sharp right onto US-1 S
  • Fort Lauderdale Florida, USA