Understanding the Paver Sealing Process: What Homeowners Need to Know

Date Posted: January 27, 2024 3:49 am

Understanding the Paver Sealing Process: What Homeowners Need to Know

Sealing pavers are a crucial step in maintaining the longevity and beauty of your patio, driveway, or walkway. This protective layer not only enhances the color and sheen but also shields the stones from the elements, stains, and wear and tear.

As a homeowner, understanding the paver sealing process is essential for making informed decisions on how to care for your outdoor surfaces. Whether tackling the job yourself or hiring a professional, knowledge of the different sealer types and the sealing method will help ensure your pavers remain durable and attractive for years to come.

Key Takeaways

  • Sealing pavers enhance their durability and aesthetic appeal.
  • Proper surface preparation is crucial before applying any sealer.
  • Choose a sealer type that complements your pavers and desired finish.

The Basics of Paver Sealing

When you install pavers, whether for a driveway or patio, sealing them offers an extra layer of protection. Understanding the types of pavers and the benefits of sealing can help maintain their durability and longevity.

Types of Pavers

Depending on your home’s aesthetics and functional needs, you can choose from concrete, natural stone, or brick pavers. Concrete pavers are cost-effective and versatile, natural stone offers a unique, elegant look with every piece, and brick provides a classic appeal. Each type has specific sealing considerations to protect against fading and enhance their natural beauty.

Benefits of Sealing

Sealing pavers offer several benefits, making it a valuable practice for maintaining and enhancing your outdoor spaces.

  • Protection Against Stains and Abrasions: A sealant acts as a barrier, protecting pavers from spills, oil, dirt, and other contaminants. This is particularly beneficial in high-traffic areas like driveways or patios where the likelihood of stains is higher.
  • Enhanced Durability: Sealed pavers are more resistant to wear and tear. The sealant helps in reducing the erosion of the surface, making the pavers more durable over time. This is crucial in areas exposed to harsh weather conditions.
  • Color Preservation: UV rays can cause the colors in pavers to fade over time. Sealing helps in preserving the original color of the pavers, keeping them looking vibrant and new for a longer period.
  • Ease of Maintenance: Sealed surfaces are easier to clean compared to unsealed ones. Dirt, grime, and spills can be wiped away more easily, reducing the effort and frequency of cleaning required.
  • Longevity: By protecting the pavers from various elements and reducing wear and tear, sealing effectively prolongs the life of your pavers. This means your investment lasts longer, maintaining the aesthetic and functional value of your outdoor spaces.
  • Aesthetic Enhancement: Apart from the practical benefits, sealing can also enhance the visual appeal of the pavers. It can give them a more finished, polished look, adding to the overall beauty of your home’s exterior.

Preparation for Sealing

Before sealing your pavers, it’s essential to prepare the surface thoroughly to ensure the sealer adheres properly and lasts longer. This involves cleaning, weed prevention, and repairs.

Cleaning the Pavers

Begin by removing all debris. You’ll want to use a push broom to sweep away leaves, dirt, and other loose items from the paver surface. For the best results in cleaning pavers, consider using a pressure wash to effectively remove dirt, grime, and mold without dislodging the joint sand.

An eco-friendly degreaser may be necessary for oil or grease stains. Allow the pavers to dry for a minimum of 24 hours after cleaning.

Preventing Future Weeds

To minimize weed growth between pavers, it is advisable to stabilize the joints. Filling paver joints with polymeric sand can deter weeds and grass from sprouting up between your pavers. The sand hardens and creates a barrier that makes it difficult for weeds to penetrate. Proper installation of polymeric sand requires careful application and removal of excess material before activating its binding properties with water.

Repairing Damaged Pavers

Inspect your pavers for uneven pavers or damage. If you find any pavers that are cracked or chipped, you should repair or replace them before sealing. This helps maintain an even surface and ensures the sealer will cover the pavers uniformly. For minor issues, a simple adjustment may suffice; however, for more severe damage, swapping out the affected pavers with new ones is recommended to maintain the integrity of your landscape.

Choosing the Right Sealer

When selecting a sealer for your pavers, understanding the distinctions between solvent-based and water-based options is essential to achieving your desired appearance and maintenance level.

Solvent-Based Sealers

Solvent-based sealers are known for their durability and the glossy wet look they impart on pavers, which can significantly enhance their aesthetics. These types of sealants are excellent for creating a protective film-forming barrier that guards against stains, making surfaces easier to clean. Here are key points to consider about solvent-based sealers:

  • Appearance: Provide a rich, glossy finish that enhances the color of your pavers.
  • Cleaning: Easier to clean due to the film-forming layer that repels spills and stains.

Water-Based Sealers

Water-based sealers, on the other hand, offer a more natural look and are generally considered environmentally friendlier. They penetrate into the pavers without forming a surface film, which makes for a proper application that allows the pavers to breathe, thereby reducing the risk of trapping moisture. Here are important aspects about water-based sealers:

  • Aesthetics: Tend to provide a more natural look that enhances without altering the original appearance of the paver.
  • Application: Easier to apply and clean up, with less odor during and after application.

By carefully considering these factors, you’ll be able to choose a sealer that not only protects your pavers but also meets your aesthetic preferences and maintenance requirements.

The Sealing Process

When it comes to protecting and enhancing the appearance of your pavers, sealing is a key step. It involves applying a protective layer that can provide a wet look or a matte finish, depending on your design preference.

Applying the Sealer

To begin, ensure your pavers are clean. This often means power washing the surface to remove any dirt and grime. After cleaning, choose a water-based sealer for eco-friendlier option that bonds well and tends to have a less strong odor, or opt for a solvent-based sealer for a more pronounced wet look.

You can use a pump sprayer or roller to apply the sealer. A sprayer uniformly distributes the sealer, while rollers are good for pressing the sealant into the pavers for stronger adherence. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines during the application to ensure optimal results. Remember, DIY paver sealing can be cost-effective but investing in the right tools is crucial.

Tools and Materials:

  • Power washer
  • Pump sprayer or roller
  • Water-based or solvent-based paver sealer

Best Practices:

  • Thoroughly clean your pavers before sealing.
  • Choose the right sealer type for your desired finish.
  • Use tools that ensure an even, consistent application.

Drying and Curing Time

After applying the sealer, the drying and curing time is vital to the longevity of your pavers. Typically, a paver surface may take around 24 hours to dry enough to walk on, with full curing potentially taking several days.

Avoid wet conditions during this period as they can affect how the sealer adheres and cures. The exact drying time can differ based on temperature, humidity, and the specific product used, so it’s best to refer to your chosen sealer’s instructions for precise times.


  • Wait 24 hours before walking on sealed pavers.
  • Allow several days for the sealer to fully cure.
  • Refer to your sealer’s instructions for specific drying and curing times.
Long-Term Maintenance

Long-Term Maintenance

Proper long-term maintenance of your pavers is essential to preserve their beauty and functionality. Routine cleaning and determining the appropriate sealing frequency form the cornerstone of effective paver care, with steps specifically aimed at stain prevention and mitigation of weather-induced wear.

Routine Cleaning

Frequency: To avoid the buildup of dirt and stains, you should perform routine cleaning on your pavers at least bi-annually.

Methods: Sweeping with a stiff bristled broom can remove loose debris. For more tenacious dirt or stains, use a mild detergent and water solution followed by a thorough rinse.

Stain Management: Spot treat stains promptly using an appropriate cleaner for the type of stain—oils, grease, and efflorescence each require different approaches.

Understanding Efflorescence: This whitish residue can appear on pavers due to naturally occurring salts. While it often fades over time, specialized cleaners can remove it without harming your pavers.

Prevention of Weeds and Ants: Regular cleaning can disrupt the habitat weeds and ants require to establish themselves between the pavers.

Sealing Frequency

Considerations for Sealing: Apply a sealant to your pavers not only to enhance their aesthetic appeal but also to create a barrier against weather elements, inhibit weed growth, minimize fading, and prevent efflorescence.

How Often to Seal: Sealing is typically recommended every 2-3 years, but this can vary based on your climate and the exposure of the pavers to harsh elements like salt in coastal areas.

Weather and Fading: UV rays and precipitation can degrade the appearance of your pavers over time. Sealant acts as a layer of sunscreen and a waterproof jacket, offering protection and keeping your outdoor space looking fresh.

To develop a tailored approach for maintenance, always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines and consult professionals if in doubt. By adhering to these best practices, you can ensure that your pavers will remain an inviting feature of your outdoor space for years to come.

Professional vs. DIY Sealing- Which is Good for You?

When considering sealing your pavers, you have two primary options: undertaking the project yourself (DIY) or hiring professionals. Each approach has its specific processes, costs, and benefits that you should consider before making a decision.

DIY Paver Sealing

DIY paver sealing is a hands-on home improvement project that involves cleaning, preparing, and applying sealant to your pavers. It’s a way to personally ensure the success of your installation. The initial cost may be lower as you won’t be paying for labor.

 However, without the proper equipment and techniques, DIY jobs can be prone to errors such as failing to remove weeds or applying the sealer unevenly, for which might not yield the best practices result you’re aiming.

Professional Paver Sealing

Professional paver sealing, on the other hand, is conducted by individuals with specialized skills and equipment. Professionals can often identify and remedy signs of damage that might not be obvious to the layperson.

 The cost will typically be higher than DIY due to labor charges, but the investment can mean a higher degree of success and longevity for your pavers. A quote from a professional may include a breakdown of the cost for material and labor, giving you transparency.

Pros and Cons

DIY Sealing– Greater control over project
– Lower upfront costs
– Time-consuming
– Risk of improper application
– Potentially subpar results
Professional Sealing– Expertise in paver maintenance
– Access to commercial-grade products
– Higher cost
– Dependence on contractor’s schedule

Consider the pros and cons when determining which route is best for your paver sealing needs. DIY may save you money but will require a significant investment in time andlearning. Professional sealing offers the peace of mind that comes with expertise, but at a higher cost. Evaluate your skills, budget, and the importance of the final outcome when deciding between DIY vs. professional paver sealing for your home improvement project.


Sealing your pavers is a crucial step in enhancing their longevity, maintaining their aesthetic appeal, and ensuring they remain a valuable feature of your property. By adhering to best practices in paver maintenance, you are not just preserving the material but also investing in the long-term integrity of your outdoor space.

  • Benefits of Sealing Provides protection, enhances color, reduces weed growth.
  • Periodic re-sealing is essential, frequency depends on sealant type and exposure.
  • Opt for quality products suited to your paver material.
  • Consider for expertise and efficiency, especially for larger areas.

Remember, effective sealing is about the right application of the correct sealant type for your pavers. Consult with professionals if you’re uncertain and always test a small, inconspicuous area first.

Guard Your Ground: Don’t Let Time and Nature Claim Your Pavers!

Time waits for no one, and neither do the elements. Your once vibrant outdoor oasis risks becoming a faded, weed-infested shadow of its former self. At Paver Seal Doctor, we’re not just sealing pavers; we’re safeguarding memories, preventing the irreversible damage caused by sun, stains, and wear.

Imagine a future where your pavers crumble and crack, becoming a safety hazard and a sore sight. Don’t let this be your reality.

With our expert sealing and comprehensive maintenance services, we ensure your pavers remain a source of pride, not a point of worry.

Contact Paver Seal Doctor and take the first step towards preserving the beauty and safety of your outdoor spaces. Act today, cherish tomorrow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages and disadvantages of sealing pavers?

Sealing pavers protect them from stains, enhance appearance, and can prolong their lifespan. The main disadvantage is the regular reapplication required, which adds to maintenance efforts and costs. Some sealer types also affect the surface’s slip resistance.

How soon after installation can the pavers be sealed?

Pavers should be allowed to settle for at least 60 days after installation before applying sealer. This time allows any efflorescence—the white chalky substance that sometimes appears on pavers—to surface and be cleaned off. Sealing too soon can trap efflorescence beneath the sealer.

What is the best method to apply sealer to pavers with joint sand?

The best method is to use a water-based sealer, which penetrates better and hardens the joint sand, creating a durable seal over the paved area. The spray application even offers coverage and is recommended for pavers with joint sand.

What considerations should be taken into account when sealing Unilock pavers?

When sealing Unilock pavers, it’s important to choose the right type of sealer that is compatible with the specific material. Also, factor in the weather conditions, ensuring it’s dry with no rain forecasted. Note the sealer’s curing time to avoid disturbing the newly sealed surfaces.

What is the recommended maintenance period after sealing pavers, and when can they be used again?

The maintenance period typically ranges from 1 to 3 years, depending on the sealer type and environmental conditions. Pavers can generally be used again 24-48 hours after sealing, allowing enough time for the sealer to dry and cure properly.